A friend of mine gave me "Smokers Delight" a couple of days ago and since
then it's running permanently in my CD player. I don't know why but somehow
I have missed them completely. I don't remember the track Stars, because I
only got the CD which has no track titles on it, but the whole CD is full
of slow burning dope instrumental and nice spacy keyboard improvisations. I
highly recommend this CD. My friend bought it in England, so I am not sure
if you can get it here in the States. If anyone on the list knows where to
order it, please let me know because I have to return the CD tomorrow, and
I am not sure if I can live without it. Also, if you have more information
about the Nightmares please drop some lines.
Peace and keep on groovin', Gilbert (gmg@hgc9.sph.uth.tmc.edu)