Re:Analog vs. Digital and 20/20

~Jazhednada~ (
Sat, 25 Jan 1997 17:22:22 -0500

Pedro Cevallos wrote:
> Being an audiophile myself, I have to say that there is not warmer sound
> to me than the crackling of vinyl. :)

Yeah I hear ya!
I dunno if the human ear is sensitive enough to detect sound
that is quantized in nature or not. BUT...

For me its like vinyl has a soul, it so much more REAL than
cd, you cherish the things that you must take care of, and
vinyl takes special handing. I prefer to spin an albumn on
my turntable over my cd player any day, and I have a few
albumns on CD and record both.

...and its cheap too, that cool cuz Im a po-boy :P

Did anyone watch 20/20 last night? Maybe on the coasts
but not here in the midwest baybee... Looked like more
of a club than a party to me?

originally ignorant
formerly knowledgeable
currently hypocritical -Hike
/ Jason C. Heikenfeld
/ phat eveready kat freestylin though the nine