IBR availabity

Mon, 7 Jul 1997 19:54:16 +0100

Can any you stateside jazz fanatiks recommend any shops in the NY/NJ area
that are very likely to sell Internal Bass Releases like Down To The Bone?

Of course, you can order all our releases from either
http://www.tunes.co.uk/timewarp or through this email address:


but it's not really a substitute for seeing a wild release actually on the
hoof in a local record store without the wait for transatlantic shenanigans
to come to fruition.

So, any peerless record stores in the NE of US?

>DTTB Great! Send More Info also similar artists
>Tell me where in NYC US they carry Grooves vol1 and Vol2

Hi Jim!

Where did you get hold of Down To The Bone? A lot of people in the North
Eastern US are trying to get hold of our stuff, so it would be cool if I
could point them in a similar direction (or did you order it from the UK?).

I'll ask around on the acid jazz mailing list for advice on where to pick
up funky jazz imports in your area and get back to you if anything turns up.

The IBR crew tell me in hushed tones that there may well be a SECOND DTTB
album in the pipeline - I'm sure a lot of people are going to be glad to
hear that. In the meantime, I'll keep you in mind whenever further news


IBR Webmaster

Internal Bass Records Tel:+44 (0) 1276 857723
PO Box 445 Fax:+44 (0) 1276 857740
Surrey GU24 8YQ