>I keep going back to a UTE track - "Soul Thing" - on a '94 Dorado
>Compilation (3). Liner lists Tina May as vocalist. This woman can
>*talk*. Can anyone tell me more?
>Tip o' the hat.
Cool tune I agree (and yeah, she _can_ talk...). Ute started life as an
Australian group that relocated to London a few years back. If you dig
Soul Thing, you should try to get your hands on their album "Under the
External" (haven't got it in front of me so no label details for you
unfortunately, released 1994/95). The album has lots of those really
sparse, atmospheric grooves that Ute do soooo well (like Soul Thing), so I
dont think you'd be disappointed. If you have trouble finding it, you
could try Greg's World, an online ceedee place that specialises in
Australian stuff ... point your browser at
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~gregl/index.html (I dont work there or anything,
honest, they just got a good selection...!)