Re: Trip hop, please stop

randy (
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 11:48:01 -0700 wrote:
> >When i hear the word Trip Hop used i automaticly think of Massive
> >Attack, Tricky and Portishead...guess i can blame the mainstream press
> >for that.
> funny, because when I hear the term trip hop, I always think of tracks by
> Palmskin Productions, Le Funk Mob, DJ Shadow, Tranquility Base - Mo'Wax
> stuff. Spliff heavy nodding tunes.

I think of Chemical Bros, Skint, Propeller Heads stuff.... Rocky edged
distorted up-paced breakbeat dance music. Maybe a new
category.....hmmm....Hard Hop?

> Tricky and Portishead were just extremely fashionable for a few weeks in
> 1995, a while after trip hop had come and gone - they caught a wave, a mood
> at that time that - retro, dirty, nihilistic, morose, second-hand. A
> profitable meeting between grunge, soul, hip-hop and ganja.

This is why I call this stuff Nu-Alternative instead of Trip Hop. It
still feels more like grunge than anything else. (albeit a little darker
and less angry)
