Thu, 12 Jun 1997 14:27:53 -0700 (MST)

hello all

just thought I'd mention a 12" that came out a few days ago that some of
you might be interested in. The group (guy...Bundy Brown) is called
Directions, and the 12" is called "Echoes". its got a lot of hip-hop
style beats with some nice trumpet lines and marimbas/xylaphones adding a
little offbeat flavor. Its a great 12".
This guy used to be in Tortoise before they had any buzz around them, and
DIrections already has a full length album which came out last year which
sounds absolutely nothing like this. I tink a lot of you will enjoy this
new one.
scott. (once again urging everyone to pick up on Tortoise for some
original musical flavor...Millions now living will never die!)