Chillfreez's set at Friction was all that and then some... very nice to
see the man when he isn't being pressured to spin any particular style
and can really go off. I missed Kevorkian's set but got to hear Dr.
Descent and Jameison, who both did very nice jobs with the progressive
Drum 'N Bass. Friction will definitely be a party to watch on Fridays,
the next one is on the 14th nad will be a release party for Ubiquity...
this beathead can't wait!
As far as Den Of Theives, it is very much around, you can check out
Organic on tuesdays there and catch a rotating crew including Chicus,
Dylan, Tim Wagner (of Lunar Deep), Lo-Ki (yours truly) and a couple
others whose names I'm forgetting right now... (Dylan, help!)
As far as The Bank goes, a lot of us have been boycotting that venue
after an altercation between the security guards and DJ Wally over a
bottle of water he wanted to bring inside, and Wally was spinning that
DJ Lo-Ki