Re: Dust Bros. vs. Chemical Bros - Who would win?

datboy (
Mon, 05 May 1997 10:31:09 -0400

dj herb wrote:

> I dont have a problem with good music getting apreciated by the general
> public but its a shame that it so often are the "weakest" songs from
> those artists that get's airtime and ends up on the charts. (i.e. block
> rocking beats, wich it far from the best thing the chem.bros ever made,
> right?).

So? Some people buy the records and just listen to that one song, but a
lot of people like the whole pie, too. But that's not either here nor
there and it just clouds up everything ...

If you want to appeal to a wide audience (mainstream) then you have to
pick the most distilled of the bunch. This doesn't make the one you
pick bad necessarily ... it just means it's the catchiest, least likely
to surprise.

It's down right now because server's are being moved ... but keep
looking for the KLF's book online "How To Have A Number One The Easy
Way." It's seven or eight years old, but it has a lot on this subject
that might show you why this is the way things are. If I still have it
archived at home I'll send you a copy.