Have you heard of a mr Tobi or DR Tobi?
I=B4ve heard him for some years ago now in a broadcasting from the Swedi=
sh Radio P3=20
in the program: 'SoulCorner' in a special edition about Japanese Acid Jaz=
z and other=20
music highlights from the innovative circles from Tokyo (ex. the MIX club=
In the program A recording from a special mr Tobi or Dr Tobi. The music w=
as highly=20
inspired from the P-funk 'philosophies'. In the interwiew with Mr Tobi in=
the program he=20
said he was planning an album on his own...
My question is what is the name of the album, Label etc...
Please send some info if you know something about this mr Tobi to
Tomas Nygren, Sweden E.mail: m72tn22@students.su.se
(Hey If You know something cool about Japan Acid Jazz give me what You ha=