Eva Fernandes@FT
12-05-97 10:37 AM
>heard a great track during a mix show on the radio the other night which I'd
like to find. Here goes...
>We're talking jungle here but it sounded like it was being played ie real
>drums and upright bass. There was a female spoken word kinda thing over the
>top and lots of string stabs (not sure if they were real or synths/sampled).
>Any takers? I know it aint much to go on but any ideas would be welcome
>(cause if there's something else that fits this description I'd be
>interested anyway!!)
The 4 hero track out on the Talkin Loud sampler seems to fit your description.
Female vocals talking (more like spoken word poetry) about the destruction of
mother earth. Lots of violins and bass. Very nice
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Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 17:19:29 +1000
To: acid-jazz@UCSD.EDU
From: Alistair Law <Alistair.Law@dem.csiro.au>
Subject: Song ID