RE: US 3 vs NW 1

Jon Jung (
Mon, 19 May 1997 15:01:47 -1000

I think this is only partially true. I don't think he led on all 83!! He did
many dates for organists (Jimmy Smith, Reuben Wilson) as well as people like
Jimmy Forrest in his earlier years. As for solo albums, I'd say he's done
about 20 or so, many for Blue Note but also for Kudu, and smaller labels.


All 83 of them!!! Acording to an article in 'On the One' from sometime
last year on Grant Green had his tally of those he played for at 83, which
seems like half of the blue note catalog. My favorite cover has to be the
picture of the street signs for Grant and Green street in San Francisco.

erik g