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Message-ID: <347DF23C.1043AB5C@wl.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 16:20:44 -0600
From: Dj Sun <djsun@wl.net>
Reply-To: djsun@wl.net
Organization: Soular Productions
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To: Scott Tennent <feesh@asu.edu>
Subject: OC
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.971126130126.5534B-100000@general4.asu.edu>
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OC is a great lyricist, but the reality of its is that if does not sell
albums he will be dropped. Its a sad comment on the industry, but I don't
think that at this stage in OC's career you could blame him for having to
"conform or be dropped." From a personal standpoint, I have heard his album
and its a solid effort, although on one song, which ended up being the
single, he added mass appeal with the r&b singer.
It's one thing to sit here and criticize, but when the label says "sell
albums or be dropped" it leaves someone like OC little choice, especially
with the path that NAS, AZ, and others have taken. Then maybe once he
reaches a certain plateau, he can go to leaving the "hooks" and performing
the "personal" stuff.
My question: Have you listened to the OC album or are you making a judgment
on purely how he was quoted in an article?
Lets lighten up and give someone like OC a chance before we "judge" his
efforts to harshly.