Anyone have any comment about the Certificate 18 release "Hidden Rooms" & Justice, Photek & Source Direct (I think). I had a
quick listen in a shop & it sounded good tho hard to say when only hearing
little bits of each track.
oh yeah if anyone knows the Nobukauzu Takemura lp "Childs View" there are
a couple of truly wonderful tracks feat. "The Little Singers of Tokyo",
strange childlike, almost atonal singing. The last track on UFO's "No
Sound..." called "Tears of Gratitude" also feature a *similar* vocal...I'm
wondering if this is a style of vocal music I might find more of?
Something about the unusual melodies and quality of the vocal arrangement
makes me think of Brasilian stuff.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about? ;^)
thanx & peace,