Re: My $.02 about the new Portishead album

Bijan Pesaran (
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 13:53:19 -0700

Man, you guys have Portismania :)

Dummy is a pretty good release, but statements like "in it's genre,
IS there a better album" are both completely subjective and pretty
meaningless. I don't know that there are many artists competing
for the title, "Best Release in Portishead's Genre" apart from
lookalikes like Morcheeba, who, quite frankly, suck roks.

Maybe I'm just not into hero worship. One day it's JK and
Jamiroquai, the next it's Portishead. Funny how these are also
the most highly promoted bands discussed on this list ...

Hope I don't offend, I just want to go against the grain.
I'll post about my favourite god-like production efforts


see ya,