I remember speaking with some of the label guys about this in 1994, so
it's about time one could say...
Live Tropical Fish - Shape your life (Irma)
LTF is, according to the sleeve notes, a 9-piece band. They do a
rather straightforward "old school" type of acidjazz. They start off
with the track "P.I", a track that could have been done by
James Taylor Quartet or possibly the Heavies' horn section. There are
a couple more tracks like this, instrumental and rather funky.
Future sound of jazz, vol 4 (Compost Records)
Again, I was slow to get my hands on this compilation. It's definitely
worth looking for - all the 'future sound...' comps are just
Erik.Boralv@CMD.UU.SE Webmaster: http://www.cmd.uu.se/AcidJazz/
Center for Human-Computer Studies Admin : acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
Uppsala University, SWEDEN