-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Reid [mailto:t-bird@salata.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 11:38 AM
To: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
Subject: more props for Waiwan
ro> wai-wan - don't remember the album name, but wai-wan is an artist
ro> manchester that update magazine says is somewhere between hip hop
ro> jazz funk
more on the instrumental hiphop w/jazz influences tip...
ro> Hi,
ro> We distribute this - It is online at http:www.tunes.co.uk with real
ro> audio samples. I regularly listen to the album, it deserves the
ro> reviews it is receiving. Watch out for anything on the new Autonomy
ro> label, they are originals in the sea of clones.
ro> cheers
ro> rob
i've heard about 1/2 of the record, and it's pretty tight...