What's the word on Ellen McElwaine. I've heard some of her tunes, well
only 2 actually, Jimmy Jean and Toe Hold. Those 2 are really funky, in a
folky kind of way. Anybody know what albums there from or recommend
anything else by her. A short biog maybe?
A friend of mine gave me a compilation tape a few years back that she
had picked up in London. It was simply called 'Hippy Funk' and it had
stuff on it by people like Ellen McElwaine, First Gear, Cold Blood, Tony
Joe White, JJ Cale, Chakakas etc but it was very much of that
Folk-Funk-Jazz-Rock sound, great stuff in there.
The MoJo dancefloor jazz compilations were/are great for that kind of
sound too. Especially vol 4? the one with that crazy Etta Fitzgerald
version of 'Sunshine of your Love' on it.
Rock on anybody..