In general, it was alright, I came away with mixed feelings, but not
totally disappointed. Pimp Daddy Nash was cool, he spun some of his cuts,
his mix was good, but his set was mostly low-key; he spun right after the
resident DJ and most people didn't realize someone else was spinning up
Outside...well, it was kinda strange. Many regard Outside as "Matt Cooper &
Friends" but at least live it was Andreas Allen's show, on 3 decks. Matt
Cooper, though excellent his chops may be, seemed like Some Dude Jamming
With The DJ. It would have been nice to add at least one more person in the
live MC, percussionist or drummer would have been nice. Cooper was
great on the drums, obviously, but his need for playing it for the set
(which he did on just 3 tunes) bordered on ridiculous. It was also a little
silly to see him jam on this acoustic bass patch on his Korg Trinity synth.
Granted, he did wail on the thing, but...I guess you get the drift. Their
set was 40% of their own material, the crowd was on the floor pretty much
for their entire set, and you guessed it, everyone jumped into hypergear
once the drum n bass tunes rolled in.
If I wanted to see a DJ, I'll see a DJ, but if I want to see Outside, I
want to see *Outside* (Yes, T-Bird, I already realize the logistics of
shipping several musicians from the UK across America, so there's no need
to point that out to me :P )
Peter Kruder followed, he was alright, I didn't stay for his whole set but
what I did hear of him was on the ambient midtempo breakbeat tip.
Guess that's that.
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:. e l s o n t r i n i d a d
:. :.
:. los angeles, california, usa