Any Rapping on These?
Thu, 3 Dec 1998 18:24:37 EST

    Hi. A newbie here. There are a few CDs I'm thinking of getting, but I
was hoping to get some info from you good folks first. See, I hate rapping as
a vocal style. So, a lot of potentially great albums are ruined for me by the
presence of rapping. Basically, what I'm looking for is good instrumental
trip-hop, although I also like the sung vocals in bands like Portishead and
Morcheeba. Anyway, if those of you who are familiar with the following CDs
could let me know whether or not there's rapping on them, that would be great!
Off-list, if you like. Or on-list if you think this might be of interest to
others. In time, I guess I'll come to know better what *is* of general
interest to those on the list. For now, I'm just hungry for knowledge and
good, new music. Thanks! Here are the discs in question:

Coldcut: Journeys by DJ: 70 Minutes
DJ Food: Recipe for Disaster
Reflection: Errornormous World
Snooze: Man in the Shadow
Andrea Parker: Kiss My Arp
Pilgrims of the Mind: What’s Your Shrine?
Sabres of Paradise: Haunted Dance Hall

     Also, if any of these just plain suck, could ya let me know that, too?
:-) Thanks.

-------Michael K. (from Portland, OR, by the way)

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