
Jim Dier (
Sat, 26 Dec 1998 02:57:09 PST

The problem with the holidaze is I always end up giving people the
gifts I really need for myself.

Like I ust gave this african funk compliation to a friend of mine, a
two LP set with some sick early 70's afro-groovy joint. The usual
suspects like Fela and Manu Dibango are put alongside more obscure
offerings like Wali and his Afro-Caravan and others. Its called
(surprise) "African Funk" and its from the UK (i.e. expensivo) but
methinks well worth it considering what Fela rekkids go for nowadaze,
if you can find 'em.

Shoulda bought two copies. When I get it I'll relay the label
info, that is, if one of you knowledgable mofo's don't beat me to it.
But don't sleep on this one kiddies, like I did on that Fela reiss a
few years back of the L.A. sessions circa '70. My homeboy Swingsett
picked it up back in the day and everytime I see him pull it out I get
sick sick sick. Shoulda coulda woulda.

But aside from all of that, afro-funk is the shiz-nit.

Hope everyone had a good holidaze, merry spliffmass.

Jim Dier aka $mall ¢hange

--I take no responsibility for the nex line-

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