Re: For crissakes!

jay ivan
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:35:21 -0800 (PST)

Since not too much is going on where I live, I enjoy hearing about events
happening in other areas. It gives me an idea what types of music are
finding representation and in what areas. I like to travel, and this list
gives me ideas about where to go and where I should avoid. As for
multiple messages about the same event--of course that's annoying as hell.
But I would rather receive multiple postings for the same event than have
no idea what is happening in this country and around the world.

If you only want to know about events happening in your own city, than set
up a list-serv intended for locals only. As for me, I'd rather broaden my
perspectives and understand the diversity on which this music thrives.

> > Did I accidently flag the 'Please
send me multiple annoying
> announcements for shows that aren't even happening in my state'
> option when I subscribed to this mailing list?
> Is anyone else sick of recieving _multiple_ spams messages that
> are just adverts for shows or record companies on this list?
> Doesn't anyone even care?
> -adam