>This Week's Acquisitions..

m o n k e y s e e
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 11:31:57 -0800 (PST)

hey.. this friday's damage:

depth charge 10" <disko alien> (dc)
-new limited two track 10, sweet stuff, a little less samples than the
classic dc

dj shadow <preemptive strike> (w/q-bert bonus cd)
-a neccesity for those like myself-->lacking the early singles..

coco steel & lovebomb 10" <park central> (other)
-these guys are gorgeous.. remixes from the puurfect summer album.

rome lp (thrill jockey)
-who knows? no info. classic mom/thrill jockey bullshit. nice laid
back, weird blippy, mellow than wacked instrumental mayhem. what more can
you ask for?

add n to (x) demon seed/fridge (on piao records)
i think this record is two different people, one on each side.. add n
side is absolutely beautiful mellow & groovy track with a women mumbling
thru it.. i say mumbling cause her recording level is lower than the music
and its just very hard to hear her.. much more of an accent.. the fridge
side? can't remember..

alexanders dark band <beat vortex> (dc)
-new album from our depth charge man. bit more mellow than the classic
dc imho.

listened to the new air album, and was not that impressed. personally i
didn't like the vocal style they chose to go with their instrumental
tracks. sounded like a couple were previously instrumental tracks redone
with vocals. anyway, i'm sure it would have grown on me if i would have
bought it,, but it FAR from wooed me.. :-/

there's some new vadim remixes that are out which were SWEET. tho the cd
will be coming out in a few weeks and the cd will have all the tracks from
both 12s.. much much much more economical with the 12s being 14each..

hope all is well out there...


//- chimp@monkeysee.com erik@bossanova.com -\\
//-www.monkeysee.com www.bossanova.com/erik-\\