why Black eyed peas "suck"

Tony Reid (t-bird@salata.com)
13 Feb 99 18:58:44 -0800

el> Besides, I think a lot of it has to do with them not liking hip-hop
el> music with any sort of jazzy element in it (their Roots comparisons
el> sort of indicate that The Roots are some sort of freak act) and maybe a

jumping in w/little previous knowledge of the root of this (i.e. the hiphop
newsgroup discussion) the thing that occurs to me is that there is probably
a bias against a dj-less hiphop group. gangstarr & tribe are known for
their liberal use of jazz samples and i'd be shocked if these same people
dissing the peas were trashing these acknowledged masters (gangstarr &
--not that the roots aren't masters, but that's my point.
