"You bring the chorizo, I bring the rain, pendejo!" I believe it was
Will.I.Am who did the voice of "El Nino";
he grew up in East L.A. and is known to do an accurate cholo impression. I
just cracked up cos it was the first time I ever heard the word "pendejo"
on an album. :) I also thought "Cue Your Dices" was funny.
Basically, the skits have to do with mainstream American's ignorance of
Latino culture. It was done as a nod to their hometown fan base, as people
who grew up in the Los Angeles area are very much exposed to Latino
culture. So it was actually very pro-Latino and not some sort of racist
>Also, on the BEP dis tip, I read a review on WallOfSound, (great news, bad
>reviews), where the reviewer said BEP was only 'fresh' because they went
>back to the 80s sound.
Are you sure it wasn't the Beastie Boys' album they were talking about?
(which is cool, it's just even more on the 80s rap tip than BEP ever goes).
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:. e l s o n t r i n i d a d
:. elson@westworld.com :. www.westworld.com/~elson
:. los angeles, california, usa