Song info

Gordon Hurd (
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 14:53:01 -0700

Can anyone help me out with a song I heard on a real audio dj set on
betalounge? It was on the Three Sixty Radio broadcast from 7/20/98.

Basically the song is kind of a dubby number, it starts out with a Martin
Luther King speech about Black Power, Italian power, and other kinds of
Power (although that could be the dj mixing it into the song). Later on in
the song there's an extended sample of some kids talking about black power,
red power, rainbow power, and kid power.

Like I said it's a dubby tune, pretty simple: bassline, midtempo breakbeat
and some nice synthesizer pads underneath it all. I have a feeling the song
is from Freakpower, but I'd be interested to know the title.
