RE: Massive Attack - 'Protection'

Elson Trinidad (
Tue, 05 May 1998 12:49:36 -0700

At 12:15 PM 5/5/98 -0500, flight wrote:
>> Just bought 'Mezzanine' and love it all, but I haven't played
>> 'Teardrop' yet and probably never will, 'cause I *know* I'm going to
>> hear it on the radio tomorrow (and I'm only listeneing to the radio
>> to and from work - 'bout 20 minutes total).
>i wish we all had that problem. i'm sure i've never heard a massive
>attack song on the radio in the CHicago area - except for college radio,
>which is good about playin the "album" cuts. 89.3 WNUR for those in the
>Chicago/Evanston area - monday nights 10-12 i think.

In Los Angeles, Groove Radio 103.1 (a dance music station) has played
"Protection" and "Be Thankful" fairly often, though by then they were both
sort of old singles. A college station, KCRW (home of Jason Bentley, Bruno
Guez, et al) played singles and cuts from Massive Attack when their albums
just came out, and I can only guess they're doing "Mezzanine" cuts as well...

And since more and more traditional "atlernative rock" stations nationwide,
even worldwide, are dumping grunge for electronica-type acts, I'm sure
Massive Attack will get rather Massive airplay in the months to come....

I also remember while going to the Philippines last year, one of the TV
commercials there used a version of
"Spying Glass" to advertise a brand of beer (Blue Ice Beer). It was kind of
a trip to hear that.


- 30 -
:. e l s o n t r i n i d a d
:. :.
:. los angeles, california, usa
your opinions are just as wrong as mine.