Re: cd burners

Mark B. Conklin (
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 08:59:05 -0700

>I'd say stand alone units are a waste of money if you have a decent
>computer at your disposal. As well as making audio cds you can of
>course back up data. I use a teac 4 speed with scsi (you need scsi for
>100% error free performance).

I've been using a 4x Hewlett Packard CD-RW 8100i that's connected via IDE
and it works just fine. For on the fly burns I can only copy at 1x, but
since I usually put the info on my hard drive first, I can burn at 4x -
about 15 minutes to burn a 70 minute audio CD. Out of 100s of CDs I've
burned (both data and audio), I've had one fail. I'm not sold on IDE as
opposed to SCSI, but based on experience, it hasn't done me wrong yet (and
it's usually way cheaper).

I'm running all of this on a P166 with 60mb of ram.

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Multi-Directions Music Reviews

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