RE: More TV ads driveing me crazy

Michael (
Wed, 07 Oct 1998 14:26:39 -0700

>the use of "hip"
>music in tv advertisments is frankly a damn shame.

Agreed. It's lame.

>Corporations whose
>blatant voracious appetite for new consumers and demographics to plague
>with their shitty products are raping the catalogs of underground labels or
>classic anthems from times gone by. VW using the Orb to
>captivate twentysomethings into purchasing their tacky new car. It's all
>brash commercialism that should be stopped, but in a free market there is
>no recourse. Except of course to stop patronizing the guilty conglomerates.

You can always hit where it hurts most. Stop buying their product. I
won't buy a VW bug because of this stupid commercial. If nobody bought it,
VW wouldn't do it.

The other way you can hit where it hurts is not to buy the Orb. There are
tons of artists doing much more innovative stuff that commercials ignore.

>At some point I believe you have to stop and ask yourself and others what
>cultural value comes out of using the Orb in a commercial. None.

I don't think they care about cultural value, only selling VWs. But you
have to realize that the Orb sold the rights to the other words,
whoever owns the rights (sometimes, but not always, the artist,) got heaps
of cash for it.

This is what's commonly referred to as "selling out," when in reality when
someone releases an album, they're making money off of it one way or another.

Commercialism cheapens the music. Reduces it to brand recognition.


Michael Twist aka

"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest."
                                        M.K. Ghandi

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