Some capsule reviews...

Mark Allerton (
Sat, 10 Oct 1998 15:32:15 +0100

Wagon Christ - "Tally Ho!"
Mr Vibert does it again. This sounds more like "Big Soup" than it does
the first Wagon Christ LP, but this is no bad thing. I guess this LP is
funkier than BS, but it is hard to draw a line between the Wagon Christ
material and his work as Luke Vibert. It's terrific, anyway.

Talvin Singh - "OK"
The title track is absolutely amazing - I always liked the Okinawan
vocals back from Sakamoto's "Neo Geo" LP, and Talvin has put the group
Nenes together with some serious beats. I must have listened to the
track about 8 times in succession. Unfortunately the rest of the LP is,
well, a bit coffee table y'know - nice, but not exactly exciting.

Dom & Roland - "Industry"
Bloody hell! If you were beginning to think all drum & bass LP releases
had gone a bit soft & high concept, here's the antidote. 77 minutes of
dark, deadly pounding beats. Just when you think it can't get any
tougher, it does... no let up. Definitely a contender for loudest LP of
the year...

Red Snapper - "Making Bones"
Wicked... the beats on this are just _tight_.


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