Jonathan Takagi (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 19:55:36 -0700
christopherotto wrote:
>i would highly recommend:
>sushi 4004:the return of spectacular japanese clubpop
>out on bungalow which has a diverse selection of new sounds from japan i
>have been having trouble finding elsewhere.
I have to say that I disagree with this recommendation.
This CD just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, a lot of
what I dislike about Japan. I guess mainly it's the
trendiness, the current wave being trying to relive the
golden age of French pop music. The cuteness and
oh-so-cool kitsch just becomes annoying. I guess it's
the same kind of philosophy that's been exhausted by
labels like él/if..., elefant, siesta etc. Of course if
you're into P5, you'll love this stuff.
As for tracking down this stuff, Kahimi Karie has quite
a few albums out, most (if not all) written and produced
by Momus. If you don't want to spring for the imports,
Minty Fresh put together a compilation last year.
Yukari Fresh and Neil & Iraiza both put stuff out on
Escalator Records, YF with the "Yukari's Perfect!"
album and Neil & Iraiza with the "Je suis ému" single
and "Johnny Marr?" album.
Takako Minekawa has stuff out domestically on March
Records, the "Roomic Cube" album and "Recubed" remix
album, as well as a few singles.
Cornelius, as everyone now knows, has become a stateside
star, and has plenty of stuff available, though still
DOB has a track on the "Casablanca" compilation from
Elefant Records.
The best source on information for this type of music is
from Beikoku-Ongaku, also known as "Bloody Dolphin", a
Japanese magazine that always comes with a free CD, easily
available in most good record stores here. Also
"L'Appareil Photo" is a very well designed Japanese magazine,
covering all types of wannabe French style/music.
I think what I dislike most about this "scene" is that
it's so fashion oriented, but then again all the old "acid
jazz" stuff was just as much about a fashion/lifestyle as
a type of music, something which usually makes for a
short lifespan. Perhaps it's a repressed jealousy for the
keen fashion sense that I wish I possessed.
ps in order to not sound too negative, some recent niceties:
Live Human- Orange Bush Monkey Flower 12" (Fat Cat)
an ok attempt at taking turntables into the live music realm
Glenn Underground- A Story of Deepness LP (Nite Life Collective)
Boo Williams presents the Strictly Jaz Unit 12" (Formaldehyd)
more of the same, but still smooth quality
Bogdan Raczynski- Boku mo wakaran LP (Rephlex)
for those who wish Squarepusher would go back to the old days
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