Jeremy Hollister (
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 09:10:07 -0400
just got back from a trip to tokyo, were I spent 90% of my time in music
stores, I think I filled my quota of music for the next six months.
I'll get as much of the reviews done as I can, but may require several
from the U.F.O./ brownswood area:
Multidirections 2: a couple years old but still well worth it, jazzy tunes
requested by UFO from other musicians, ie: Trio DA LATA, K&D, Jazz
Brothers, Audio Active.
Phonophile 002: City Lights: this was mentioned on the list so I was
psyched to find it. Tdashi Yabe's smooth and eclectic mix.
Phonophile 003: Circles: mixed by Jazznova, I got this on the phonophile
name alone and I was not disappointed. I wonder if any knows more about
who Jazznova is, and what else I can find of his/theirs?
Journeys By DJ: Gilles Peterson & Norman Jay: also previously mentioned on
the list. I did see another release by Norman Jay but didn't pick it.
from France:
Frederic Galliano:
Espaces Baroques & Electric Sextet: WOW THIS IS THE SHIT! Very Bitches
Brew feeling jazz. Fredric does beats and programming, while there are
vocals, saxs etc. This feels like one of the best mixes of electronica and
live instruments I heard in a LONG time, HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended.
M. Chance: this is downbeat "trip hopppy" sounds with french almost
Tom Waites vocals mixed in. Also quite good, but only four 5min songs on
the CD.
from Germany:
tribes of da underground vol 4: strings 'n' bass & things: This is a
compilation compiled by the german label Infracom. Artists include:
switchblade sisters, fusion forum, pathless, rainer truby trio, guem &
zaka, waiwan, outside, pressure drop, max schneinder. This is a good jazz,
dance electronica comp. I'd love to know more about pathless and waiwan.
THE AIRBAG craftworks COMPILATION: A very cool find. good groovy ambient
electro. Never heard of any of these artist, but they all come through.
The sound is, how to describe... breaks in the back, high end poppy
sqelchy... Actually, if you know POLE then it is in a similar vein, but
with more groove.
Check out their website:
japan aj classics:
Monday Michiru: finally got her Delicious Poison and Adoption Agency
album, old school acid jazz, funky and still holds up.
also picked up the PREMIUMIX cd, and the jury is still out, Monday has
gotten very jpop unfortunately, and not kitschy like P5, but just pop.
don't get me wrong there are some good tracks on this album but thats
after you have to listen to 6 remixs of two songs from her Double Image
Silent Poets: For Nothing Remixes, I think that these have been around for
a litttle while. I haven't had much chance to listen to them.
Balanco: loungy not really my cup o tea.
Music with no name: Elictric Melt: I am still trying to decide if I dig
this release.
I think that may be all for now.
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