RE: downtempo in movies

Jason Witherspoon (
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:08:22 -0800

At 10:38 PM -0800 12/2/99, Dirk van den Heuvel/Groove Dis wrote:
>Okay you have a point, of course, it is my opinion. But it's not "just" my
>opinion, it's one shared by hundreds of thousands of people who bought
>those albums and supported those records far in excess of Hive or bands of
>the like. It's also the opinion of many journalists, record reviewers and
>magazines--do I need to start quoting how many times Massive Attack and
>Portishead show up in the 100 best albums lists...I don't see Hive in

Oh, I'm sorry-- I thought we were talking about musical value, not
sociological value.

And of course, if you're seriously going to use sales & press as the sole
index of musical value, then Madonna & Celine Dion are "superior" to all of
the bands we're talking about.

Don't you at least see how some of us could just find acts like Massive
Attack & Portishead to be played out, too "poppy", or what have you? You

>People who really want to argue
>that Hive is as musically important as Massive Attack I just have no real
>response for.

Well, I just like Hive's music better. So I'm beyond the pale, & not worth
having a conversation with? You've got no argument from me if you want to
say that Massive Attack is more radio-ready, or has a greater societal
cache (which is strictly the result of their popularity-- & who knows why
the hell things become popular-- seems largely accidental, when it's not
strictly payola-driven).

Should point out that I'm using Hive as a cipher for dozens of lesser-known
downtempo acts-- all of whom I prefer to the few which get the lion's share
of attention. With any luck, time will rectify.

                                         Jason Witherspoon

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