Souled out Techno

George Spruce (
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 11:48:50 +0100

Johathan Takagi wrote:

  First of all sorry for the off-topic but this is a very
  good point of view here...

>> The real techno innovators are in SWEDEN!!!!! Mmmmm,
>> delicious crunchy beats....Cari Lekebush... =9

> Unfortunately I'm going to have to take issue with
> this. If I was to think of a type of music that
> soulless music, I would have to choose this brand
> of "techno", mainly based in Sweden, whose main job
> is pounding the listener with obnoxious beats, like
> what "techno" once was, but without the soul.

  In the past few years there has been this so called
  "monotrack" techno movement hailing up big time.
  Like any other music style - this one also got its
  highlights and mediocrities. Monotonous techno is
  anyway quite much a development of a sound which
  in a way grows and grows putting you into trance.
  (doh! what am I typing now... ;D )

  Personally I'm not that much into this kind of
  techno but it goes quite well for the record
  buying techno audience.

  Sure there is great examples of good monotrack
  productions but that's even too obvious to mention.
  This movement is anyway techno of today so it
  certainly has left landmarks on the playground.

  g e o r g e

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