RE: Angel/MMW

Gordon Hurd (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:24:06 -0800

On Wednesday, January 27, 1999 3:43 PM, Kurt Iveson
[] wrote:
> Hiya folks...
> two quick questions
> 1. Did The Angel ever get around to releasing a full-length last year?
> yes, what's it called and where will I find it. If no, did she have any
> new shit out on compilations or other people's records...?

The Angel put out a record with her 60 Channels project last year. The
record's called "Tuned In... Turned On" It's a great album, took a few
listens to get into it, but a real nice combination of dub, beats, and drum
and bass. I'm always impressed with her rhythms, she's definitely not a
breakbeat looper...

She also had a cut on a hip hop compilation called Connected. It's a track
called "Selector (On Tha Otha Side of Midnight." It's on 3-2-1 Records. One
of the best songs she's ever done, IMO.

More recently, I think there's another 60 Channels release coming out soon,
if it's not already out. It's an EP with a remix and some unreleased
tracks. One of them features one of the guys from Pharcyde, kind of drum &
bass/hip hop tune with singing. Pretty cool.

aside from some soundtrack and scoring work she did for film and TV, those
are the releases I recall off the top of my head. There's also that Jaz
Klash record she did with Smith & Mighty/More Rockers, but that was
released in '96 or '97 I think.


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