Elson Trinidad (elson@westworld.com)
Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:29:02 -0700
At 07:08 PM 6/13/99 -0400, BAO wrote:
>what do you guys think of the new jamiroquai? I listened to it the other
>day, and waht I can say is it just sounds like a typical jamiroquai album.
>Its ok, but nothing paticularly moving. Maybe after overlistening to 3 of
>their albums im getting tired of them. Theyyl never top space cowboy it
I have it too.. I thought it was real, real real cool...at first. I really
dug "Canned Heat" (although it's really just Rose Royce's "Car Wash" in a
minor key) and I couldn't get "Planet Home" out of my head for days (that
tune grooves, maaaaan). Then I heard
"Black Capricorn Day" and all of a sudden it sounded like Joe Cocker.
Some of the other tunes are funky and cool, but I initially had higher
expectations since I heard they would be going for more of an "electronic"
sound...The one electronica (sort of) tune is "Supersonic," it's really
just sounds like a band messing around, trying to sound electronic. I heard
they write the song just to Liam Howlett can do a remix. Actually, I heard
every song had a constant tempo just to make it easier on the remixers (ok,
that's fine, just a long as David "Mr. Cookie Cutter House Remixer" Morales
doesn't go within 500 feet of the master tapes)
In case you haven't heard, Stuart Zender, their original bass player, left
the band. His replacement is competent enough, but the situation didn't go
unnoticed - the last track - "King For A Day" was a total dis song directed
at Zender. I thought that lacked class. And to make it worse, they recorded
the song without a bassline...
- 30 -
:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
:. elson@westworld.com
:. www.westworld.com/~elson
"funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja
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