Mon, 1 Mar 1999 17:08:01 -0500 (EST)
savannah is pretty lame...though you shouldnt leave there without visiting
River st downtown.....a cobblestone road right by the river. Great for the
date. There is also a place called pirates corner, where they
have live jazz and open mic spoken word which is pretty fun.
as far as clubs, savannah is lacking onless u go to closeby hinesville (45
mins). There is froyen paradise that ihiphop club that plays dancehall on
thursdays. Though right across from froyen paradise downtown
savannah on broughton st is the conga club...salsa, merengue e.t.c.
savannah people are not very freindly, so dont expect much from them (i
should know thats where my parents live)
I live in charleston now, but dont know enough about the club scene to
comment, though there is soo much more to see and do here in charleston
than in savannah. Downtown charleston is just plain beautiful. Try to
spend more time in charleston than savannah. Ill send u more info on
charleston later.
well i guess new orleans is probably the best, but im waiting to go there
myself. so no hellp there neither memephis.
On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, R. Scott wrote:
> Hey y'all,
> I'm trekkin' South in a week.
> Charleston, Savannah, Memphis, New Orleans
> 3/8-3/19
> Any info on clubs, shows etc. would be GREATLY appreciated. Also, any radio
> or club contacts would be great as I will have the OO Soul CD with me.
> Thanks in advance.
> peace,
> R. Scott
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