Y v o n n e. (whirl@slack.net)
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 14:18:55 -0500 (EST)
Admission/fees $10
15th Annual Lester Young Memorial Celebration
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
619 Lexington Ave. bet. 53rd and 54th St.
Subway: E, F to Lex. Ave.
6 to 51st St.
(212) 935-2200
Sunday, March 14, 7:00pm
It's been 40 years since the death of Lester Young, and if a tenor
saxophonist as poetic and lyrical has surfaced since then, he or she is
keeping a very low profile. There's not a jazz musician alive who couldn't
benefit from a long hard study of Young's magisterial work, even if his
inner secrets will never fully reveal themselves. Among the top-drawer
swing and modern jazz players saluting the once-and-future tenor titan
will be Al Grey, Gary Bartz, Benny Powell, Dick Katz, Webster Young, Ron
Blake, Michael Hashim, Judy Carmichael, Phil Schaap, John Lewis, Bill
Easley, Ari Roland and (believe it or not) many, many others.
By Steve Futterman from http://sidewalk.com
Her crop was a miscellany
When all was said and done,
A little bit of everything,
A great deal of none.
( Robert Frost, A Girl's Garden )
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