Jonathan Takagi (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:01:42 -0700
Jason Witherspoon wrote:
> Any opinions on Ashley Beedle's Black Jazz Orchestra? I found Future
> Juju to be really impressive.
I see you're just like me, I always get Beedle's projects
mixed up too! :) "Black Jazz Chronicles" produced "Future
Juju", which I also liked. The latest BJC output was that
"Tribe" 12" on Nuphonic, which was very lush, deep and
percussive, it could have been released on Spiritual Life.
Personally, I liked it better than the "Future Juju" album,
but I'm sure most would probably disagree.
"Black Science Orchestra" is
a more housey project, which is also great, though not
very similar to BJC. The latest white label going around,
"Ladyland", is fantastic- a sunny, uplifting, slightly disco
house anthem. Then the Ballistic Brothers (they've come a
long way since that first BB vs. Eccentric Afros!) keep going
strong (those MAW mixes!)...Beedle's a hard one to keep track of.
> Also pretty cool in an acid-jazz vein are the new Jimpster
I have to admit, if those Compost comps were as solid as this
album, they'd be much more potent-- this album is really nice.
He also just put out a remix on some 12"...forgot the title,
it looked very unconventional though. Sorry to be so vague...
I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.
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