Elson Trinidad (elson@westworld.com)
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 13:40:39 -0800
Deep Soul wrote:
> >Remember Incognito? They're coming out with a new album too. It's
> >called "No Time Like The Future" and will be out in the spring
> >sometime. It's pretty much complete, there's .RA and MP3 snippets at
> >www.incognito.org.uk
> >It sounds good so far, you'll only be disappointed if you expected
> >them to change their formula, though.
> Well it looks like the "band" we all now as Incognito has GONE incogito
> for this project called INNER SHADE.
> The album is called "4 Corners", and it features Maysa Leak on lead
> vocals (damn! still makes me melt like butter) and Jean-Paul Maunick, as
> the architect of the project.
I've heard about this, I only assumed that this was a totally different
band that Maysa was singing for...
From what I heard (the ra samples at cdnow.com), this albums sounds *so*
much better than the upcoming Incognito album! I wonder what the whole deal
was...I'm definitely picking this one up.
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