Re: future music

Elson Trinidad (
Thu, 20 May 1999 17:35:19 -0700

nine nine wrote:
> in the list of george clinton and africa baambata (sp!), etc, are we
> not forgetting Sun Ra? :) space _is_ the place, you know.

Yeah, but we were talking about human musicians actually born on the
planet Earth :)

> re: adding dnb to rnb, it's like anything else. If the musics don't
> have a symbiotic relationship, the result sounds thrown together like a
> ham sandwich. But when they communicate with each other, style
> combinations can be sublime.
It depends; sometimes you want a ham sandwich. Hip-hop in its extreme
contains (samples and elements of) all sorts of different kinds of
music; it could be funk, it could be movie soundtrack, it could be
opera, it could be country music; whatever can be scratched through a
phonograph stylus or recorded through an analog/digital convertor of a sampler.


- 30 -

:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa :. :.

"funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja

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