Re: DJs - they're the blokes who play records when ...

Elson Trinidad (
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:27:13 -0800

chris Golya wrote:
> Much of the club culture we enjoy >>>>today comes from New York, from the >
>underground gay clubs that sprang up in the city
>in the
>heady days after Stonewall in the Seventies.
What about those guys in Jamaica who have been doin it for hundreds of years?

> when people danced in clubs to records, >they put them on themselves.

Hey, that's a cool concept...Wait, actually no. If it were that way then we'd be
hearing "Y.M.C.A." all night...heh

>The first ever club DJ probably
> made his debut in 1943, with a pile of brittle
> 78s containing American swing tunes >and a sound system cobbled together by a mate >from bits of old radios and a gramophone.

Wonder if he had to crank 'em by hand...maybe he invented cueing/scratching by
cranking backwards?

Now that's OLD SCHOOL!
(Typical UK DJ, spinning dance music of American origin... :))

But seriously now, that's pretty interesting. wonder if he's still around...

The thing that pisses me off most about DJs, is when I'm at a club and I hear
something truly dope come out of the sound system and think, "Man, that DJ sure
knows how to mix/scratch..." then I look towards the decks and find that he's
turned around rummaging through his crates and that those "dope sounds" are just
part of the recording...


                                                                                                 - 30 -

 :. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa

 "funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja

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