RE: terminolgy

Kassel (
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 13:07:43 -0600

Guateque to my knowledge is not a form of music but a celebretion, in my
country guateque is a sinonim for feast/party ,,, the music played at the
guateques is bended over to the afro-caribean rythmz' as the merengue,
guaguanco, marinera, son montuno, etc...... but any folklorik music
depending on the region will do.......

-----Mensaje original-----
Para: <>
Fecha: Miércoles, 24 de Noviembre de 1999 01:16 p.m.
Asunto: terminolgy

>Hey folks, I'm trying to keep things straight here... could someone help me
>out with the term "guateque" Is it a rhythm like the "Son" or "guajira" or
>something else?

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