Re: something more than the x files

Jonathan Takagi (
Sat, 02 Oct 1999 02:39:24 -0700

Elson Trinidad wrote:
> > Sorry for those who aren't here in the city...
> And how would people in YOUR city even know it's THEIR city you're talking bout?

As far as I'm concerned, unless we're talking about
movies, New York *is* "the city". But that's just me
being difficult.

To not make this message a total waste of time, let me
recommend two things I purchased lately:

"Loft Classics"...a beautiful collection that really
communicates what the club must have been all about.

"69 Love Songs"...though completely un-aj, this is
simply amazing. You'd think that the talent would run
out of the course of 3 CDs, but Stephen Merritt pulls
off a mindboggling feat.

Let me unrecommend another thing:
Visit Venus 12"...there are remixes by Herbert, Jazzanova
and others, but is pretty unremarkable to these ears. The
Herbert mix contains very little of the crisp Herbert touch,
only one wayward sound that slips around. If you want
Herbert, the 12" with Dani that came out a few weeks ago is
much better. The Jazzanova remix is fairly disappointing..
interesting filter work, but doesn't develop enough to hold
my (admittedly short) attention.


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