Kid Loco and Bondage

Arnault CASTEL (
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:37:50 +0800

No, i won't talk about our beloved Kid's sexual practice here.
Just some hidden part of his past that i want to reveal - and also to prove
that we all should be musically open minded (and give David bowie the right
to musically change).
Actually Kid loco is not a real kid as he's at least above 35.
In the 80's, he was one of the three co-founders of the Bondage label in
Bondage was the leading French alternative label (mainly punk-rock). their
main act was called _Les Beruriers Noirs_. they were as successful as _La
mano negra_ at that time, but did not sell as many records as they were not
supported by majors like Virgin.
Alternative punk-rock became very big in France at the end of the 80's but
could not resist the pressure. Les Beruriers noirs split in 89, bondage
remained but evolved in a different style and Jean-Yves (real name of Kid
Loco) left the label.
I've read in an interview that he was already listening to acid-jazz/mellow
style of music at that time (he quoted The Supremes) and staid involved
with Bondage mainly because of the spirit of the label and the people
involved. He now thinks the punk rock sound is very dated and almost no-one
can listen to Bondage records anymore.
Before becoming Kid loco, he had two A-J incarnations (I'll get you the
name soon), one of them is considered very interesting.
Though the genres are miles apart, i guess you can find the same spirit in
the 90's French electronic scene as in the 80's alternative one (tiny
labels, self production, ability to dictate new rules to the majors). let's
hope this new scene will have a longer life...

ArC (getting older by the day)

Now playing: Roudoudou , _tout l'univers listener digest_

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