the snapper slams
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 23:29:51 EDT

Just got Red Snapper's "Making Bones" and it's crackin' the plaster. I've
listened to various props over for the past few years for this group but have
either been unable to find the stuff or unwilling to put out the import
bucks. If this domestically priced release (Matador/Warp) is any indication,
I've been missing a lot. And lots of variety on this one--instrumentals with
vocal tracks interspersed. Dark at times but doesn't rub your face in it. I
tire quickly listening to most rap but I like what's on here. Portishead-esqe
tracks. Some really slammin' riddums following silky intros or before similar
outros. Nothing really new or different but mostly done in such a high
quality way that it catches your attention. Nice stuff.


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