CTI is probably the best label in the world. By far...
it took the hottest acts on Blue Note, Fantasy and
other small labels and gave them the budget to make
amazing soul-jazz, jazz-soul albums.
I kinda consider myself a CTI collector and have a
good deal of amazing albums from Grover Wash. (reed
seed, Feels so good, Soul Box vols. 1&2, Mr
Magic....). Bob James 1, 2 and 3 I have. 1 and 2 go
for ridiculous fees but I got mine for cheap. I really
love 3 and would like to know what 4 sounds like.
The killer is Stanley Turrentine's Salt Song. Its a
perfect album, up there with Kind of Blue. Just last
week I was walking down a Parisian Blvd. with his
rendition of Gilbrater blasting into my cipher, it was
raining lightly, I felt like I was large living...
simplement delicieux. If you stumble on this joint,
kill for it (I am speaking figuratively here...).
Other highly recommended are albums by Ron Carter,
Urbie Green, Idris Muhammed (the one with crab
apple),George Benson... Urbie has an amazing version
of that Horace Silver tune... amazing trombonist,
collabs. frequently with my fave. Belgian harp player
Toots Thielemans.
I pick up CTI/kudu albums instinctively there's always
at least one joint that validates the purchase. U were
right about the art work, Classic stuff, very strong
visuals, checked by Ballastic Brothers' second album
and other hep cats.
Sibyll what u witnessed at the Femi Kuti concert is an
expression of appreciation, albeit somewhat perverted,
part and parcel of a Yoruba (/Nigerian) tradition
where the musicians get paid by the patrons as they
sing praises etc. It goes back to the cave men. It
could appear vulgar, but it is a status thing ie he
pays mucho dinero so he is big willie, so girls take
note, so people recognise and respond accordingly...
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