on 4/5/00 11:43 PM, Gen Kanai at gkanai@earthlink.net wrote:
> I cant speak to the Ibbotson track cause I haven't heard it but I LOVE FAZE
> ACTION! Where can I get more of that sound? What other stuff sounds like
> it?
If you're into the Faze Action sound, you may want to check out the Idjut
Boys stuff, anything on Pronto recordings, Spectrum Records
(http://www.spectrumrecords.co.uk), Noid, Discfunction, U-Star and Glasgow
Underground.. These labels all fall heavily into the "Nu-Disco" (or whatever
the hell you want to call it now) genre.. The Plans & Designs LP fell more
into this category than the new one though (which is still great, but I
prefer their first one).
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