RE: Gilles Peterson archiev...

From: Dana M. Cobbs (
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 03:04:26 MET DST

  • Next message: Elson Trinidad: "LOS ANGELES: Gilles Peterson Tix?"

    i believe streetsound is now down...Pseudo has been having troubles as of
    late, letting people go, and changing their format...could this be the end
    of the shows? no more giles? no more 88hiphop?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Juuso Koponen []
    Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 4:52 AM
    Subject: Re: Gilles Peterson archiev...

    > Does anybody know where I can find archieve of GP shows which was on
    > as long ago as 2-3 weeks. This
    > have changed its desigh completely and I can't find all previous stuff on
    > it. May be somebody is up on this?

            The new address for the archive seems to be:

            (or you can find it by going to and ->
    Channel Archive -> All shows -> scroll down to Streetsound (weirdly,
    Worldwide is not selectable if you just choose Streetsound from the
    Channel Archive) -> Worldwide)

            Sadly, they seem to've deleted most of the archive, and personally I
    don't like the new design very much anyway. And BTW, I am not getting
    the sreams to run at all, but that might be a temporary problem anywhere
    in the chain..

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