RE: Norman Jay

From: Manire, Aaron D (
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 16:09:32 MET DST

  • Next message: Nathaniel Rahav: "Re: Ladies Night at Naked Lunch Tonight!"

    Hopefully on a business trip. Now that pseudo is down, it'd be a shame for
    "worldwide" not to get any US radio/net play.

    Has anyone heard the "Inside the Beat" compilation (or seen a tracklist)
    just released on Talking Loud? Is it new material or a collection of
    previously available works?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jim Kerr
    To: ''
    Sent: 8/9/00 8:13 AM
    Subject: Norman Jay

    Also I think he sits in for Gilles while the jazzy gooner is in the US -
    next week I guess.

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