SoCal: OO SOUL - This Weekend!!

From: R. Scott (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 08:51:16 MET DST

  • Next message: Tristan Ferne: "Re: Norman Jay"


    Had to let y'all know that OO Soul will be laying it down Fri AND Sat.
    Thanks to everyone that came to The Foothill last Sat. It was a fun one!

    Fri Aug 11
    10 PM
    POINT 705
    705 Pier Av., Hermosa Beach
    21+ W/ID

    *This is our first time at this venue so come break it in with us*

    Sat Aug 12
    11 PM
    665 N. Robertson Av., W. Hollywood
    21+ w/ID
    $10 or FREE w/tix (go to:

    **REMINDER** - The final Foothill show is Sat Sept 2.
    Please come say farewell with us.

    R. Scott

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu Aug 10 2000 - 09:07:21 MET DST